Electrical Analysis

Energy Savings Report


"Peak demand" refers to the total amount of electricity used at any one time, and measured in kilo volt ampere (kVA) or kilowatt (kW).


The ratio between real power and apparent power in a circuit is called the Power Factor (P.F.) which is a practical measure of the efficiency of a power distribution system.


Interval data analysis is a fundamental step in determining what energy reduction solution is best suited to your operations, and how much money can be saved.


Energy efficiency can contribute to industries and enterprises becoming more competitive in local markets by reducing their cost base. Being clear and split what is economic and economic potential – the potential that is possible using available technologies that are cost- effective.

How much does it cost?

The initial analysis is free and comes at no obligation. We will present the results of our analysis to you, and where savings opportunities are found, we will discuss the costs associated with implementing each solution.